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영어 훈련

29일차: New Life, Scene #2 (1)


확실히 애니메이션보다 따라하기가 훨씬 더 어렵다. 그렇지만 각고 끝에 따라할 수 있을 때 느끼는 희열 또한 더 크다. 일희일비해서 포기하지 않고 꾸준히 하다 보면 결실을 맺을 날이 올 거다. 힘내자!

영화 실전 강의 (9 ~ 12강)

Sorry I'm late.

You look great.

Thank you.

Let's just go. I'm starving.

So, How's your internship going?

Good. Busy.

But one of the lead architects took one of my designs, so that was awesome.

That's great.

And the, uh, chauffeur job?

Michael gets on my last nerve.

Some things never change.

So Monique went to this art show last show last week at some gallery downtown.

'영어 훈련' 카테고리의 다른 글

31일차: New Life, Scene #2 (3)  (2) 2017.12.26
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