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24일차 24일차. 애니메이션 강좌 (89 ~ 90강)Are you?Unicorns are really real!And I'm gonna find one!Sorry, I went a little mama bear on you. (I가 잘 안 들린다.) You know, I heard a scream and...Yeah, okay. Have a good one! Moana (44:15 ~ 44:38)The second I took it, I got blasted outta the sky and I lost my hook. Get away from me. Get this away? Hey, hey. I'm a demigod, okay? Stop that! I will smite you! You wanna get sm.. 더보기
명사의 쓰임 명사의 쓰임. 지금까지 배운 명사의 용법을 정리해보자. 1. 1격(nominative) : 주어 역할 2. 2격(genetive) 1) 소유 관계 : '~의', 2) 전체 : '~중', 3) '~에 대한' 3. 3격(dative) 1) 간접 목적어, 2) 3격을 취하는 동사, 3) '~를 위해(위한)' 4. 4격(accusative) 1) 직접 목적어, 2) 간접 화법 : 4격 + inf. 의 형태 5. 5격(ablative) 1) 기본 의미 1] 분리(출발점), 2] 정지점, 3] 시간의 5격(~할 때, ~이내에) 2) 확장된 의미 1] 수단, 도구 : '~를 사용해서', 2] 방법 : '~하는 식으로', 3] 성질 : 형용사와 함께 사용, 4] 5격을 받는 형용사 3) 수동태(일반 동사 또는 분사)와.. 더보기
23일차 23일차. 애니메이션 강좌 (87 ~ 88강)Was it fluffy?It was so fluffy!I thought I was gonna die!Agnes! Goal! Excuse me!Girls! Don't worry, I'm here!Are you okay?Yeah, we're fine. 더보기
22일차 22일차. 애니메이션 강좌 (82 ~ 86강)Hmmm... I wonder what this does.Holey Moley! Dad's villain wheels.Pretty slick, huh?Hey, you want to take her out for a spin? Just for some fun? Look out!What a beautiful day!Zero to 400 in 3 seconds.Able to withstand a nuclear blast, armed to the teeth! Ah, yeah. That's pretty nice.And it's hybrid.Look out!Yeah, help me! I am not enjoying this! You saw a for-real, live .. 더보기
21일차 21일차. 애니메이션 강좌 (79~ 81강)Aloha!This is unexpected.Well, you never got to go on a honeymoon.So, We made you dinner! It's a laua!We got pineapples and coconuts and lukuleles!The soup of the day, madame and monsieur.The gummy bears were my idea. Hmmm....! Looks too good to even eat!Am I right?But I made it for you.Um! Good soup! I love the combination of gummy bears and meat! 더보기